Your Bouquet

Your Design

Your Flowers


by - 7:22 AM

One of the latest concepts for wedding is to match your wedding jewelry to your flower choice. Some of the most common combinations are classic pairings but there are also some new growing trends, and there’s no need for Floral Jewelry Design if you don’t like it so much, there is a whole world of gemstones, Diamond Rings and Jewelry that will match your wedding day and it will help you keep that day with you forever.

Diamonds and Roses

This classical pairing is a must for any bride who has a taste for the luxurious things in life. Nothing says luxury like roses and diamonds. Red roses are usually paired with white gold or platinum settings whereas yellow gold settings are generally matched to white roses.

Pearls and Lilies

Lilies and pearls are the epitome of elegance and sophistication. They were made to go together. This timeless combination is perfect for the classical wedding.

Sapphires and Hydrangeas

Hydrangeas and sapphires are a more modern pairing. It is a great way to add a pop of color to your wedding. Sapphires, like hydrangeas, come in a range of colors.

Rubies and Tulips

This pairing is on a symbolic level with both representing perfect love. Rubies and tulips will add a fresh element to a contemporary wedding.

Citrine and Gerberas

Success and beauty is what citrine and gerberas represent. This is a great pairing for the color filled summer or spring wedding.

Wedding Jewellery is widely available to purchase online. Zoara is one of the largest online stores for jewelry. They have a great range of wedding bands and other jewelry that will match your flowers and accessorize your dress.

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